Terms & Conditions


  • All fees to be paid ON or BEFORE the first class taken in each month/term via Bank Transfer or online payment system (Class for Kids)
  • All Fees not paid within 7days of the invoice will incur a late payment fee of £5 per child
  • We reserve the right to suspend you or your Childs classes until overdue payment is received 
  • All weeks MUST be paid even if your child is not attending.
  • No refunds can be given due to isolations or COVID changes
  • Instances of long-term sickness or injury will be assessed on an individual basis
  • In the event of cancelled classes they will be made up on an alternative date. (no refund) 
  • All payment queries go through Mary
  • Kreative Dance Academy reserve the right to pursue any outstanding fees once a pupil has left by legal action. 

Discounts - 

  • Children attending 3days or more will receive 10% discount.


  • You must give ONE MONTH’S notice via EMAIL if your child does not wish to continue dancing at Kreative Dance Academy or if they wish to change their classes.

Uniform - 

  • No Jewellery 
  • Hair to be tied back in ponytail, bun, Plait or Alice band if shorter hair.
  • Wear Kreative uniform or dance/active wear. (look under uniform on website)
  • NO chewing gum 
  • Always bring water to class


Practice wear to be BLACK 

Leotards/tighter fitted clothing for ACRO/CONDITIONING

Classes, performances and competitions - 

- Kreative Teachers are only responsible for dancers once inside their classes. Any issues outside      are to be dealt with by parents. 

  • Students participate at own risk and must inform Mary or Katie of any injury or medical condition
  • Kreative expect all students to show respect to Kreative teachers/staff and fellow students at all times 
  • Kreative take no responsibility for lose of valuables and advise all pupils to leave valuables at home 


Comp Squad will adhere to all the above terms plus the terms added below. 

  1. Comp squad are asked for full commitment and training sessions are COMPULSORY
  2. Attendance to class 3 times a week at Kreative are a must unless otherwise agreed. 
  3. Attendance is monitored monthly and poor attendance could result in your child losing their place in the comp squad
  4. We ask that regarding Freestyle comps you attend at least one a month. We understand certain dates may clash with prior arrangements made outside of dance. Please just communicate this with Kreative Principal Miss Katie.
  5. Additional charges will occur for competition tickets for dancers, spectators, extra rehearsals for weekender/events and additional costumes that the dancers may need. 
  6. Comp dancers will be invited to attend festival/stage comps as an addition. These dancers Must attend our ballet classes. 


  • Kreative Dance Academy holds public Liability Insurance 
  • All Staff are DBS checked and PAEDIATRIC FIRST AIDERS. Sometimes children will need to be assessed or corrected in class physically. This will always be conducted with care and professionalism. 
  • Safeguarding is extremely important to us. We ask parents/carers to always attend events outside of the dance classes. However, In the absence of a parent/Carer the staff at Kreative will be responsible if agreed for children under 18. Children are not allowed to leave classes without a parent collecting or without being agreed with staff prior to class pick up. If anyone is worried regarding safeguarding within our school please contact Mary Hurley who will investigate so it can be rectified immediately. 


  • The above terms and conditions plus any additional information you have provided us are an agreement between yourself and Kreative Dance Academy

  • Attendance at classes is deemed to be acceptance of the current terms and conditions. 

  • It is the responsibility of the Parent/Carer to inform us of any injury/ concern with the Childs wellbeing. 

  • Change in contact details need to be informed ASAP

  • It is parents/carers responsibility to check our social media site, website and emails to make sure they are up to date with upcoming events

  • Please make sure your child and yourself are respectful to the school and venue at all times. 

- Photographs and video footage will be taken of all dancers within KREATIVE to be used on our social media platforms. If you will your child to not be in images please make sure you inform us ASAP